Tio courses score highest on average amongst students
At Tio University of Applied Sciences students get an excellent preparation for the job market, the professional knowledge of lecturers is very good and the size of groups is just right. Many students would recommend their course to others. That appears from the National Student Survey (Nationale Studenten EnquĂȘte, NSE).
International Business Management (IBM) received an outstanding score with all five locations in the national top five. Of all locations Tio Hengelo has got the highest score for IBM. When it comes to International Tourism Management (ITM) Tio Rotterdam has got the highest score of all Dutch tourism courses. Tio Utrecht has the highest scores for the courses Hotel and Event Management (HEM) but also the new bachelor course E-commerce Marketing Sales (EMS). Bear in mind that this is the first year the course is offered and straight away Tio obtained the highest scores on average in the category commercial economic courses in the Netherlands. In 2016 Dutch Bachelor students on average rate their program a 3.88 where a Tio student rates their program a 4.23 on average.
Outstanding remarks
Themes like the size of groups, professional knowledge of the lecturers, the possibilities for support, implementing current developments, the atmosphere plus preparation for the job market are the themes where Tio courses score higher compared to similar courses and institutions in the Netherlands. Many Tio students would recommend their course to others. All respondents of the course EMS in Amsterdam even mentioned that they will definitely recommend their course.