Tio once again earns top marks in the National Student Survey
Every year, higher-education and university students in the Netherlands are invited to fill out the National Student Survey (NSS). The results of the survey from 2021 are now in. We couldn't be prouder because our bachelor programmes of our various campuses have once again obtained excellent scores. The personal education, the close ties to the professional practice, the lecturers with practical experience and the good atmosphere on campus stand out among the results.
NSS important indicator
For Tio University of Applied Sciences, the annual NSS is an important indicator for the quality of the education being offered at its campuses. Our students generally rate their study programmes highly to very highly, with an average score of four out of five points.
Small-scale and personal education
Tio's study programmes have a small-scale nature: students are taught in small groups of just twelve students, on average. Lecturers know their students by name, and there is a ton of personal interaction. All this gives Tio's education a personal touch, which students greatly appreciate: they give Tio's study guidance an average score of four points.
Being taught by lecturers with practical experience
Tio's lecturers, all of whom have extensive practical experience in their respective fields, prepare students well for the professional practice they will end up in. Tio's NSS scores reflect that: students rate the knowledge of lecturers with practical experience with a score of 4.5, while their substantive expertise is rated with a 4.3 and their availability to answer questions earns a score of 4.2. Since the lecturers still work in their field, they can also share up-to-date knowledge with their students. That explains students’ score of 4.2 for how well their study programmes reflect current developments in the sector.
Great atmosphere
Lastly, the great atmosphere at Tio's campuses stands out. Although Tio temporarily had to move all its classes online due to the corona measures, most study programmes and campuses earn an excellent score between 4 and 4.6 points. Tio Hengelo's students of Commerce Entrepreneurship and Organisations rate the atmosphere of their study programme with an impressive 4.9 points! Good news for the students: it looks like they will finally be able to return to campus for face-to-face classes and lectures in September.
Tio continues to improve
At Tio, we do everything we can to keep our students happy and satisfied. We appreciate their enthusiasm and honesty and want to thank them for their participation in this survey.
The NSS is conducted under the responsibility of Studiekeuze123. Would you like to check out the complete results yourself? The results of the survey are publicly accessible via the NSS Dashboard.