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Working at a social enterprise in Thailand

Juliette Goldbach, Hotel and Event Management student, went to Thailand for her internship. "I have been to Thailand before and I really liked the people, their culture and the diversity of the country. It was therefore no question that I would do my internship here. So I did."

Enjoy working at social enterprise

Siam Organic in Bangkok is a small company with a start-up attitude. "I have direct contact with the CEO and I get a lot of responsibility. The best thing about it is that I have found something that I really enjoy in terms of work. Working in a social enterprise is very satisfying, because there are people who will benefit from the work I do. In addition to the social aspect of Siam Organic, the company itself is also very focused on producing healthy products. Due to my passion of healthy cooking, this makes work even more interesting for me!"

'Jasberry' rice

The company is a social enterprise with a sustainable and scalable solution to reduce the poverty amongst small-scale Thai rice farmers through innovative organic products with global appeal, with 'Jasberry' rice as their main product. This means they have a social aspect as their most important goal, but also do business. It is a perfect balance between a company and an NGO.

Dutch market research

"I have many projects, one of which I started a few months before my internship in Bangkok started. Siam Organic is entering the Benelux market and therefore I conducted a Dutch market research."

Product development

"Currently I am also working on product development; I am developing a new innovative product for Jasberry for the year of 2018, which will be exported to Europe and the US. In addition, I am working on an online and in-store marketing support plan for the Benelux market, I am writing blogs, I will be developing recipes for Jasberry products, searching for B2B opportunities for Jasberry within the Benelux market, and will do research."

From theory to practice

"A lot of Tio courses have helped me at my internship. I was very surprised to recognise all the theory I have studied, but I was also very happy I had all this knowledge and that I was able to use it."

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Read more about: international, internship, marketing