“I am watching my son change from a typical teenager into a motivated student working on his future,” says Annemieke van de Weijer. Her son Daan studies International Business Management at Tio. He loves it there. “Tio’s small-scale nature is a big plus, for both students and parents.”
Excellent first impression
Daan Kuijpers started the bachelor degree International Business Management in Eindhoven three years ago. “We attended one of Tio’s open days,” says his mother Annemieke van de Weijer. “Daan came from a private high school and Tio’s education tied in well with his background. We received a warm welcome and got an excellent first impression of Tio. The small-scale nature, the hospitality, the students’ enthusiasm, the lecturers’ involvement, the personal attention; it all appealed to us a lot.”
Practical focus
Today, Daan is in his third year and he still likes the business programme a lot. Annemieke: “Daan loves it at Tio. It is a safe, friendly and educational environment. The small classes, the personal attention from the study coaches and the structure of Tio’s education do wonders for the students. On top of that, there is an extensive practical focus with practical assignments for businesses and lecturers with practical experience. That is another reason why Daan chose Tio.”
Personal attention and guidance
“I love the personal attention at Tio,” Annemieke continues. “Due to an illness, Daan had to take a break from his studies for six months. That was no problem. He was then given the opportunity to catch up at his own pace. A study coach assisted him with that. I really appreciate the involvement and understanding that Tio showed us. All that personal attention was great for Daan, but also for us as parents.”
Ambitious students
“I often recommend Tio to other parents,” Annemieke says. “It is more expensive than a regular university of applied sciences, but the differences are obvious. The small scale, the involvement from the school, the practical nature of the assignments, the link to the professional world, as well as the semester division that Tio employs, which gets students used to working or studying throughout the summer. That keeps them motivated.”
“Tio is ambitious,” Annemieke concludes. “Students pick up on that. For example, Daan’s study coach looks at his qualities and encourages him to do extra assignments. I have watched my son change from a typical teenager into a motivated student working on his future. That is a fantastic development.”