Welcome to the open day of Tio Utrecht!
During the open day, you can learn all about studying at Tio Utrecht, the content of the various programmes, the city of Utrecht, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask all your questions to students, lecturers, and staff.
Start in the school canteen
11:00 uur, 13:00 and 14:30 CET
Before each information session I, Geert van der Meer, will introduce some lecturers and students to you in the school canteen.
Information sessions
After the start in the canteen, you can attend the information session of your choice in the room mentioned below. See below at what time your information session will take place.
Bachelor and Associate degree programmes
Further information
Our staff will be available to provide further information regarding:
- Registering for a programme;
- Registering for a personal interview;
- Exemptions and admission;
- Questions about impairments (impairment coordinator);
- Questions about affordability and student finance;
- Tour through the campus and/or Tio City by students (starting from the canteen at a time you prefer);
- Study books;
- Student society Cognatio.
Team Tio Utrecht wishes you an educational open evening and the best of luck in making the right study choice!
Geert van der Meer
Campus manager Utrecht