Beau Metz and Maurits Meiboom are in South Korea for their Study Abroad minor. They were in luck: they got to experience the Olympic Games first hand. Beau: “I chose the Study Abroad minor because I want to seize any opportunity to go abroad.”
Olympic Games
Beau and Maurits, both students of International Business Management, are spending a semester at Soongsil University in Seoul, South Korea. Although their classes have not started yet, they already left in February to experience the Olympic Games. That was an awesome experience!
Beau: “I chose Korea because the region interests me, I can learn a lot here and I want to step outside my comfort zone. We get to choose our favourite courses here and there are major opportunities for international businesses. I think the experience I gain here will prove very useful in my future.”
Living in South Korea
During the few weeks that the two business students have lived in Seoul, they have already seen a lot of the country’s culture. “Korea is a country with many faces and a truly unique culture,” says Beau. “Living in Seoul is wonderful. We both live in a studio apartment that offers a fantastic view of the city. The locals are extremely nice. They help you out if you are lost or teach you to eat with chopsticks. The food is delicious and I am getting used to the spiciness. There are vendors selling local delicacies on every street corner and many large markets where you can buy tasty snacks.”
International Business Management
“The Study Abroad minor ties in well with the International Business Management study. I have always been interested in this field, because I am good with numbers and making connections. I chose to study International Business at Tio because this programme offers courses that other studies do not have, such as the practical Stocks and Bonds course. I also chose Tio because of the personal approach and the fun, relaxed atmosphere. It is important to me that my study is combined with trips and out-of-school activities. I also take full advantage of the many international opportunities and the chance to spend some time studying at a foreign university.”