Three sales experts have been given the task to prepare the ambitious first-year International Business and Marketing students for completing a successful sales week. During the Kick-off in Media Plaza Utrecht on Monday 26 November, the students are overwhelmed with practical tips and advice given by the experts. We’re off to a good start: let the sales week begin!
Jouri Schoemaker – life’s a pitch
Young entrepreneur, Dutch Pitching Champion (2016), speaker and pitch trainer Jouri Schoemaker shares an important lesson with the students in his guest lecture: "First sell, then make. Convince your audience of your idea first and start working on your product next.” Student Guido (International Business Management, Rotterdam) is convinced and will certainly put Jouri’s concrete tips into practice. “Clever, I am working in sales, so I can apply everything straight away. I hope that I can improve my sales qualities during the Sales week and that I get even more practical tips for the future.”
Alexander den Heijer – the why behind the what
Alexander den Heijer, international speaker, trainer, writer and inspirer, gives the students food for thought in the second guest lecture during the Kick-off. When can you say that you are good at sales? What distinguishes good salespeople from great salespeople? “Instead of thinking ‘I want something from my clients’, you can also think: ‘I want to mean something to my clients. It is only then that you can make the difference.” Student Justin (Marketing, Amsterdam) is impressed. “Very interesting, I really liked it. Especially his message about why we do certain things, that is interesting, I can do something with that.”
Feike Cats – Clienthusiasm! Are you ready?
Feike Cats, client enthusiasm expert and fun maker, author and director of Loving Clients (“Houden van Klanten”), ends the day with an interactive lecture about ‘clienthusiasm’. How can you create satisfied clients? Or, more important: how can you create enthusiastic clients? “Clients get enthusiastic about things they don’t expect. Businesses should therefore be wary of creating (too) high expectations. Don’t tell it, just do it. And something else that is important as well: having enthusiastic clients starts with having enthusiastic employees. Always!”
Learning by doing
During this very first Sales week organised by Tio the students attend masterclasses, practical training sessions and interactive workshops where they will be learning the ins and outs of the sales profession. Frank Moerdijk, marketing lecturer (Utrecht), tells: “This week the students will be trained by professional trainers in sales techniques, debating, presenting and pitching, to name just a few things. All aspects of sales will be reviewed this week. I think this is very good; the students are learning a lot and will be able to use this knowledge and experience in practice later.”