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The Entrepreneurship minor is a step on the way to one’s own business

Hotel and Event Management student Rogier Groen knows exactly what he wants to do after completing his bachelor programme: start his own company. He is not yet sure what kind of company that will be, but that is of later concern. He completed pre-university education before enrolling at Tio. “That did not automatically mean that I wanted to go to a university. A bachelor programme offers the perfect combination of theory and practice. The fact that Tio offers a fast-track programme is a definite plus.”

His own business

Once Rogier has completed his Hotel and Event Management bachelor’s degree, he wants to get started on setting up his own business. “I am not sure yet what I want to do, but the Entrepreneurship minor was definitely a useful step. You learn all about setting up your own company, including drawing up a business plan and what to take care of with external parties.”

Ties made of recycled clothing

Together with three other students, Rogier set up a business that makes ties out of old pairs of trousers. “So many pairs of trousers are thrown away instead of being reused.” As with any starting company, the group encountered obstacles on their path. “Determining the price is one example. We also discovered that you should always draw up a contract, so as to avoid any confusion later on. We also know now that you should always have a back-up supplier, in case your first choice no longer can or will deliver to you. All in all, it also takes a lot longer to set up a business than you might think at first.”

Extensive bachelor programme

The theory Rogier learned during his bachelor programme came in handy during the minor. “For example, when it was time to fill out the Business Model Canvas and conduct a SWOT analysis.” Rogier chose Hotel and Event Management because he was looking for an extensive study course. “I am not sure yet what I want to do after my bachelor programme, but I am sure of the fact that I want to start my own business.”

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Read more about: minor, project