
Admission requirements

In order to be admitted to Tio’s bachelor programmes, you need to meet the following requirement:

  • Havo, vwo (any profile), mbo4-diploma.
  • CEFR: ≥ B2. TOEFL: iBT ≥ 75-80 points (Institutional TOEFL code Tio: 4764). IELTS academic: ≥ 6.0. Cambridge exam: ≥ 160 points / Cambridge First Certificate.

Comparable international diplomas

Below you will find an overview per continent / per country what the admission requirements are for this Bachelor's programme.

  • Africa

    • Eswatini / Swaziland

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Ghana

      Senior Secondary School Certificate (at least 6 subjects with a score of A to C) or West African Senior School Certificate (at least 6 subjects with a score of A1 to C6).

    • Kenya

      Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (at least 6 subjects with A, B or C).

    • Nigeria

      West African Senior School Certificate from the WAEC if the student has passed at least 6 subjects with grade C6 or higher or Senior School Certificate from the NECO if the student has passed at least 6 subject with grade A1, B2 or B3.

    • South Africa

      National Senior Certificate, which states that the graduate has met the minimum requirements for admission to bachelor’s degree programmes or National Senior Certificate, obtained after completion of the IEB exams, which states that the graduate has met the minimum requirements for admission to bachelor’s degree programmes have been met.

    • Tanzania

      Certificate of Secondary Education (an A, B or C) in at least 6 examination subjects + the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education with a principal pass for at least 1 subject.

    • Uganda

      Uganda Certificate of Education (Ordinary level) in 6 subjects with a final result of 1 to 6 + Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education with a Principal pass in 1 subject (6 different subjects in total).

    • Zimbabwe

      Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level (at least 5 examination subjects with final result A-C) + the Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level with at least 2 subjects.

  • Asia

    • Afghanistan

      12th Grade graduation certificate, issued by the Ministry of Education.

    • Armenia

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Azerbaijan

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Bangladesh

      Higher Secondary Certificate (humanities/ sciences) / Alim Certificate.

    • China

      Senior middle school graduation certificate.

    • Georgia

      General Education Diploma.

    • Hong Kong

      Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) in 5 subjects with grades 2-5**, including English and Chinese.

    • India

      • Standard XII diploma (or an equivalent) with a pass grade in 5 relevant subjects,
      • Vocational Standard XII diploma (or an equivalent) with a pass grade in 5 relevant subjects,
      • All India Senior School Certificate with a pass grade in 5 relevant subjects,
      • All India Senior School Certificate with grades A1, A2 or B1 in 5 relevant subjects,
      • Indian School Certificate with a pass grade in 5 relevant subjects,
      • Migration Cum Transfer Certificate of the Senior Secondary School Examination with a pass grade in 5 relevant subjects.
    • Indonesia

      Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA).

    • Iran

      Pre-University Certificate.

    • Japan

      High School Certificate of Graduation (卒業証明書 Sotsugyoshomeisho)

    • Kazakhstan

      Жалпы Oрта білім туралы, аттестат/Аттестат об, общем среднем образовании / Certificate of completed general secondary education, Nazarbayev, Intellectual Schools (NIS) Grade 12 Certificate.

    • Malaysia

      Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia/Matriculation Certificate, Unified Examination Certificate.

    • Nepal

      HSEB (Migration) Certificate (Humanities/Sciences), HSEB (Migration)  Certificate (Management/Education).

    • Phillippines

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Singapore

      Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’-level in 2 H2 content-based subjects + Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘O’ level in 4 subjects with A-C grades (6 different subjects in total).

    • Sri Lanka

      GCE O/L and GCE A/L if the GCE O/L is obtained in 6 subjects with marks ranging from A to C; and the GCE A/L is obtained with at least an Ordinary Pass (S) for 3 subjects and a score of at least 30% for the Common General Test.

    • South Korea

      High School Certificate (general high school), High School Certificate (science high school).

    • Taiwan

      Senior High School Diploma.

    • Thailand

      Certificate of Secondary Education / Matayom 6.

    • United Arab Emirates

      Students from the UAE have usually completed a US, UK or IB curriculum. Other diplomas must be evaluated individually.

    • Uzbekistan

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Vietnam

      Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung Hoc / BangTrung Hoc Pho Thong/Bang Tu Tai / Baccalaureate, Bang Tot Nghiep Pho Thong Trung obtained at a high school for the gifted.

  • Europe

    • Bulgaria

      Diploma za sredno obrazovanie - Диплома за средно образование.

    • Croatia

      Svjedodžba o zavrsnom ispitu / Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi.

    • Denmark

      Studentereksamenbevis (STX) / Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF).

    • France

      Baccalauréat Professionnel, Baccalauréat Technologique, Baccalauréat Général.

    • Georgia

      General Education Diploma

    • Germany

      Fachhochschulreife, Abitur (Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife).

    • Greece

      Apolytirio Genikou Lykeiou

    • Hungary

      Gimnáziumi Érettségi Bizonyítvány, Szakközépiskolai Érettségi Képesítö Bizonyítvány.

    • Ireland

      Leaving Certificate (LC), the LC has been obtained in at least 5 subjects of the established programme; the student has at least grade 6 at Ordinary Level or grade 7 at Higher Level for those 5 subjects; and a minimum of 200 CAO points have been achieved.

    • Italy

      Diploma di Superamento dell’Esame di Stato Conclusivo dei Corsi di Istruzione Secondario Superiore.

    • Latvia

      Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību.

    • Lithuania

      Brandos Atestatas

    • Poland

      świadectwo dojrzałości (maturity certificate) or świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego (certificate of completion of the general lyceum).

    • Portugal

      Diploma/Certificado de qualificação profissional de nivel 3,  Diploma/Certificado do Ensino Secundário.

    • Spain

      Título de Bachiller.

    • Turkey

      Lise Diploması.

    • Ukraine

      Svidotstvo pro zdobuttja povnoj zagalnoj serednjoj osviti - Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти, Atestat pro povnu zagalnu serednju osvitu - Атестат про повну загальну середню освiту.

    • United Kingdom

      At least 6 GCSE subjects, two of which should be AS of A levels. Subjects must be completed with a score of A-C or 9-4.

  • North America

    • Canada

      High school diploma from an English-speaking province (usually) or Diplôme d’Études Collégiales (DEC) with the addition 'préuniversitaire' (2 years).

    • Domincan Republic

      Bachiller Modalidad General.

    • Jamaica

      Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate.

    • USA

      High school diploma with a completed college preparatory programme.

  • Oceania

    • Australia

      • Higher School Certificate,
      • Queensland Certificate of Education,
      • South Australian Certificate of Education,
      • Qualifications Certificate of Tasmanian Certificate of Education,
      • Victorian Certificate of Education,
      • Western Australian Certificate of Education,
      • ACT Year 12 Certificate,
      • Northern Territory Certificate of Education.
    • New Zealand

      NCEA Level 2, NCEA Level 3 (with sufficient credits from general level 3 subjects).

  • South America

    • Aruba

      Havo-diploma, vwo-diploma or mbo-diploma (EPI, niveau 4).

    • Brazil

      Certificado de Conclusão de 2º, Grau/Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio.

    • Colombia

      Bachiller Académico, Tecnólogo.

    • Costa Rica

      Bachiller en Educación Media (rama académica).

    • Curacao, St Maarten and the BES islands

      Havo-diploma, vwo-diploma, Certificate of Secondary Education (CXC-examen) or SBO-diploma (niveau 4).

    • Mexico

      Bachiller Técnico, Bachiller.

    • Peru

      Certificado Oficial de Estudios.

    • Surinam

      Havo-diploma, vwo-diploma, Certificate for the Algemeen Vormende Fase.

Introductory interview

Once you have been admitted, you can sign up for a voluntary study career interview with your future study coach before the start of your study programme.

Admissions process

After we receive your registration, Tio will send you a written confirmation of your admission (provided that you meet the pre-education requirements and there is no waiting list). If your pre-education is insufficient for the programme you wish to take, we will schedule an interview and an assessment. The assessment costs €80. The admissions committee will decide whether you can be admitted into the programme.

  • Admission for EU/EEA students

    Tio welcomes students from all over the world. The information on this page is meant for students from the EU/EEA.


    After applying for admission to Tio (by sending a signed copy of the registration form), Tio will contact you about the admission proceedings.

    Application deadline

    You can apply for the Tio programmes until the start of the semester. However, the number of available positions is limited. Therefore, it is recommended to register on time. Positions are assigned in order in which students register.


    Tio expects all its students to have personal liability insurance as well as health insurance. EU/EEA students can study at Tio based on insurance taken out in their home country.

    Need help?

    The international office can be reached by telephone Monday through Friday from 09h00 to 17h00, +31 (0)30 799 90 00 or by email:


    Once all the required documents have been received and you have been accepted to Tio, you need to find yourself a place to live.

    Campus accommodation is not common in the Netherlands. Most students rent a room in a student house. If you need help finding a place to live, Tio will assist you. Since both Amsterdam and Utrecht are very popular among students, we recommend letting Tio help you. Students requiring a student visa will automatically be provided a place to live. Average accommodation prices for student housing:

    • Amsterdam between € 600 and € 800 a month
    • Utrecht between € 450 and € 650 a month

    Should you decide to try to find your own place to live, here are some helpful links:

    Keep in mind that most student housing is not furnished unless otherwise specified and you will only be renting a room, and may have to share the other facilities like the bathroom and kitchen with other students. 

  • Admission for non-EU/EEA students

    Tio welcomes students from all over the world. The information on this page is meant for students requiring a student visa to study in the Netherlands.


    After applying for admission to Tio by sending a signed copy of the application form, Tio will contact you about the admission proceedings.

    Visa requirements

    In order for you to come to the Netherlands and to study at Tio, please check whether you need a student visa and/or a residence permit. Always check with the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service to see if you require an ‘Authorisation for temporary stay’, also known as an entry visa (MVV).

    If a MVV and/or residence permit is required, Tio will apply for the MVV and/or residence permit, after the following conditions have been met:

    • The student has been accepted by Tio.
    • The student has sent all the required and legalised documents (see below).
    • The student has paid the package fee to Tio.

    Required documents

    • A copy of your passport (readable text and visible face).
    • A copy of your residence permit (if applicable).
    • A copy of your birth certificate, with an apostil or double legalisation.
    • A copy of the original documentation of your Higher Education qualifications.
    • A legalised copy of all previous educational qualifications translated into English.
    • A legalised copy of recent mark/grade lists translated into English.
    • A colour passport photograph - digitally (according to Dutch rules, taken from the front side of the face).
    • Proof of English language proficiency: CEFR: ≥ B2. TOEFL: iBT ≥ 75-80 points (Institutional TOEFL code Tio: 4764). IELTS academic: ≥ 6.0. Cambridge exam: ≥ 160 points / Cambridge First Certificate.

    In case the application is rejected, your study agreement will be terminated without liability for either party. Tio will refund the package fee within 14 days after termination, with deduction of the costs incurred with the application of the MVV and/or residence permit.

    Application deadline

    The application deadline for the academic year starting in January for students needing a visa is the 15th of October and for enrolment in September it is the 15th of June.

    Housing & insurance

    Tio arranges housing and will apply for the required insurance for non-EU/EEA students for the first academic year. After the first year of study, the student is responsible for arranging housing and insurance.

    Need help?

    The international office can be reached by telephone Monday to Friday from 09h00 to 17h00, +31 (0)30 799 90 00, or by email:

Admission requirements

In order to be admitted to Tio’s Master programme, you need to meet the following requirement:

  • A bachelor's degree equivalent to the Dutch standard for admission to a master’s programme (this will be checked by our Admissions team).
  • In addition, you need an English test, which proves your English proficiency is at (or exceeds) the level of CEFR: ≥ C1. Tio accepts one of the following three qualifications as proof of English proficiency: TOEFL: iBT ≥ 90 points, IELTS academic: ≥ 6.5 overall, Cambridge exam: > 180 points or a Cambridge First Certificate.
    Students from the following countries (or students who have completed their bachelor’s degree in these countries) are exempted from the English test requirement: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.
  • Knowledge of finance and marketing: This prior knowledge is necessary in order to be able to make a deeper understanding of these fields within the master. After registration, Tio checks whether you have sufficient knowledge. This depends on your previous education. If your knowledge is insufficient, an extra module can be followed at the start of the master programme.
  • Work experience 0 – 3 years.
  • Resume (CV). A letter of recommendation is an advantage.
  • Valid passport (non-EU/EEA) or IC (EU).

Comparable international diplomas

Below you will find an overview per continent / per country what the admission requirements are for this Master's programme.

  • Africa

    • Eswatini / Swaziland

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Ghana

      4 or 6 year bachelor, or 1 or 2 year master.

    • Kenya

      4, 5, or 6 year bachelor, or 1 or 2 year master.

    • Nigeria

      • 4 or 5 year bachelor’s degree
      • Bachelor of Medicine
      • Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
    • South Africa

      • Bachelor’s degree (4 years),
      • Bachelor’s degree in architecture / dentistry / veterinary science, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBCh), 
      • Bachelor honours degree,
      • Master’s degree.
    • Tanzania

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Uganda

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Zimbabwe

      Bachelor (Honours).

  • Asia

    • Afghanistan

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Armenia

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Azerbaijan

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Bangladesh

      • Honours Bachelor,
      • Master of Science, M.Sc. (1 year after Honours Bachelor),
      • Master of Arts,
      • M.A. (1 year after Honours Bachelor),
      • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.).
    • China

      Bachelor degree certificate or Master degree certificate.

    • Georgia

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Hong Kong

      Bachelor's degree.

    • India

      • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours),
      • Bachelor of Arts/Science/Commerce (Honours) with at least first class/division awarded by a top institution,
      • Bachelor of Engineering/Technology,
      • Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS),
      • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.),
      • Bachelor of Education.
    • Indonesia

      Diploma IV (D IV), Sarjana I (SI).

    • Iran

      Bachelor of Master.

    • Japan

      • Advanced Diploma (高度専門士 kodo senmonshi) obtained at a professional training college, 
      • Bachelor degree (学士 Gakushi), 
      • Bachelor degree issued by NIAD-QE (学士 Gakushi), 
      • Master degree (修士 Shushi).
    • Kazakhstan

      Бакалавр дипломы/Диплом бакалавра/bachelor's degree, Мамаң дипломы/Диплом Специалист/Specialist-diploma (5 of 6 jaar), Mагистр дипломы/Диплом магистра/master's degree.

    • Malaysia

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Nepal

      Bachelor (4 years), Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Surgery.

    • Phillippines

      Bachelor from a Centre of Excellence.

    • Singapore

      Honours Bachelor of Master.

    • Sri Lanka

      Honours Bachelor of Master.

    • South Korea

      • Bachelor (4 years),
      • Higher Diploma in Technical Education,
      • Master (2 years).
    • Taiwan

      Bachelor (4 years).

    • Thailand

      Bachelor or Master.

    • United Arab Emirates

      Students from the UAE have usually completed a US, UK or IB curriculum. Other diplomas must be evaluated individually.

    • Uzbekistan

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Vietnam

      • Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc (Bachelor degree),
      • Bang Thac Si (Master degree).
  • Europe

    • Bulgaria

      Diplom za visshe obrazovanie na obrazovatelno kvalifikatsionna stepen (Profesionalen) Bakalavr - Диплома за висше образование на образователно-квалификационна степен бакалавр.

    • Croatia

      Professional Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea / University Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea.

    • Denmark

      Professional Bachelor’s degree/professionsbachelor, Bachelor’s degree (BA/BSc).

    • France

      Licence Professionnelle, Licence.

    • Georgia

      Bachelor’s Diploma.

    • Germany

      • Fachhochschuldiplom (Gesamthochschule),
      • Diplom (Fachhochschule),
      • Bachelor (Fachhochschule),
      • Bachelor (Wissenschaftliche Hochschule).
    • Greece

      Ptychio TEI, Ptychio.

    • Hungary

      • Egyetemi oklevél alap képzés,
      • Főiskolai oklevél alap képzés (4 years).
    • Ireland

      Honours Bachelor’s degree.

    • Italy

      Laurea, Diploma Accademico di primo livello.

    • Latvia

      • Bakalaura Diploms (Universitāte, Akadēmija, Augstskola or Institūts),
      • Profesionālā Bakalaura Diploms.
    • Lithuania

      • Profesinis Bakalauras Diplomas / Aukštojo Mokslo Diplomas,
      • Bakalauro Diplomas
    • Poland

      • Dyplom licencjat,
      • Dyplom inżynier,
      • Dyplom magister,
      • Dyplom magister inżynier.
    • Portugal

      Licenciado (Politécnico).

    • Spain

      • Graduado,
      • Graduado en Farmacia/Medicina/Odontología/Vet erinaria.
    • Turkey

      Lisans Diploması.

    • Ukraine

      Diplom bakalavra - Диплом бакалавра.

    • United Kingdom

      Bachelor (Honours) degree.

  • North America

    • Canada

      Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree.

    • Domincan Republic

      Must be evaluated individually.

    • Jamaica

      Bachelor's degree.

    • USA

      Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree.

  • Oceania

    • Australia

      • Bachelor (ordinary),
      • Bachelor (honours),
      • Graduate Diploma,
      • Master.
    • New Zealand

      • Bachelor’s degree,
      • Bachelor Honours Degree,
      • Master’s Degree.
  • South America

    • Aruba

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Brazil

      • Bacharel,
      • Licenciado,
      • Mestre.
    • Colombia

      • Licenciado / Título professional,
      • Especialista,
      • Magister.
    • Costa Rica


    • Curacao, St Maarten and the BES islands

      Bachelor's degree.

    • Mexico

      Licenciado (at least 4½ years), Certificado de Especialización, Maestro(a).

    • Peru

      • Profesional a Nombre de la Nación,
      • Artista Profesional,
      • Bachiller / Licenciado / Título Profesional / Ingeniero,
      • Especialista / Diplomado,
      • Maestria.
    • Surinam

      MO-B Akte, Bachelor or Science/Bachelor of Arts (Anton de Kom Universiteit).

Continuation requirements

Depending on your grades, you will confer with your study coach to choose between the three- or four-year programme after your first year. At the start of the second academic year, you make a final decision. The enrolment requirement for the three-year course is that you have earned most of the first year’s ECTS credits on 1 October of the second academic year. The enrolment requirement for the second year of the four-year programme is that you have earned 45 of the first year’s ECTS credits. You do not have to drop out if you fail to achieve these results; you can still complete the first year via an extended registration.

Special circumstances

Do you have an impairment (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, a physical handicap or a chronic disease) which might inhibit you in your studies? Tio will do everything it can to keep the hindrance to a minimum. You can report your impairment during your application. Your study coach will discuss with you which adjustments Tio can offer. Tio’s guidance to students with an impairment is highly valued. In the national survey conducted by the Centre for Higher Education Information (CHOI), Tio has earned the highest overall score in the Netherlands, for five years in a row.