New students get to know each other in the Belgian Ardennes
Before the start of the academic year, the next generation of students had an introduction day in the Belgian Ardennes. Although the introduction usually lasts for several days, it was a one-day corona-proof event this year.
With the CoronaCheck app in hand, students from Tio's various campuses across the country got on the buses that would take them to their final destination: the quarry! There, they received a “warm” welcome with some water balloons from student association L.S.V. Cognatio.
Buffel Outdoor had organised a variety of athletic activities in the Ardennes: from archery and a hexathlon to abseiling and climbing. Afterwards, the students got to enjoy a delicious BBQ. Seated at long tables, they got the chance to get to know their fellow students a bit better. Former Tio student and resident DJ Joris Geurtsen was there to provide the evening's musical entertainment.
What did the students think of the introduction?
Lars Vreede (Hotel Management): “I loved our trip to the Ardennes. I even managed to overcome some of my fear of heights today!”
Sebastiaan van den Brink (Hotel and Event Management): “Excellent reception and a great atmosphere from the start. Everyone started chatting as soon as they got on the bus. Despite the corona measures, everything was arranged perfectly. It was a sportive and diverse day. The fun barbecue and the great music were the cherry on top of the cake!”
Sophia Winkel (Hotel Management): “The alarm was fine. I felt fresh and energised as I sat on the bus. I got to conquer my fears during the various activities. It was a great day!”
Floor Beers (Law): “Although I was sorry to see that the coronavirus spoiled some of the fun, this was nevertheless a perfect solution. The organisers went to great lengths to make sure we had a wonderful day. I am looking forward to my time at Tio.”
Bram Hermans (Commerce Entrepreneurship and Organisations): “Being the only one from North Brabant among a sea of people from Amsterdam, I am having a great time. It's all a lot of fun and I am definitely interested in joining Cognatio. I am eagerly looking forward to the many activities during my studies!”
Bedirhan Yeterler, international student from Turkey (International Business Management): “It has been a really nice experience. I was a bit worried because I didn’t know anyone. But this trip gave me the opportunity to meet new friends. It has been a good start for my future education at Tio.”