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Career Event

Every year, Tio Business School organises the Career Event. The Tio Career Event will take place on 23 January 2025 in the Expo in Houten. The perfect place to make students enthusiastic about your company. 
Tio students are looking for an internship and are eager to get to know your company. The Career Event is the starting point for their search.

Pre-register for January 23, 2025

More information (including the programme and rates) will be announced on this website at a later date. You can pre-register via the button below, and you will receive the information by e-mail.

What to expect?

Top students

Meet the top students of the best small university of applied sciences in the Netherlands (Higher Education Guide). The Tio students are looking for an internship and would like to get to know your company. The students follow an bachelor, associate degree, vocational degree or MBA in the fields of hospitality & leisure, business & entrepreneurship and marketing & sales. Tio students are very welcome in many industries because of their sense of service, excellent communication skills and hands-on mentality.

Interested to participate?

For more information, please send an e-mail to careerevent@tio.nl.

Video Career Event