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Alumna Jozefien van Haaren is responsible for business travel at Booking.com

Two years ago, Booking.com introduced a new travel management platform just for business travel. As Account Manager Business Travel Nederland, Jozefien van Haaren is responsible for this “startup” within Booking.com. “It is really awesome to build something like this from scratch.”

Booking.com for Business Travel

Jozefien van Haaren has worked at Booking.com for a few years now. She is involved in the development of Booking.com Business. “One of five bookings we receive is for a business trip,” Jozefien explains. “We now have a separate platform for that. As Account Manager Business Travel, I am responsible for SMEs in the Netherlands.”

Going to work with a smile on your face

“This work is never dull,” Jozefien continues excitedly. “I love the diversity of working at the office and outside it. Booking.com Business is a kind of “startup” within the organisation itself. That requires plenty of flexibility and creativity, which is exactly what I love about my job. It is awesome to set something like this up and then help expand it. I am part of a great team of young professionals. The atmosphere is wonderful. I go to work with a smile on my face every day!”

The benefits of a Tio bachelor

Jozefien studied Hotel and Event Management, which she still benefits from every day. “Courses like e-commerce, marketing, revenue management and English are very useful. The mix of hotel and event courses gave me a lot of valuable insights. I also took advantage of the opportunity to do my internships abroad. With my Hotel and Event Management background and passion for travel, I feel right at home at Booking.com.”

Her own hotel

Jozefien has found her place at one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies in the travel industry and a leader in digital technology. “Booking.com is a dynamic organisation in an international environment. There is never a dull moment. It is a great company to work for with wonderful colleagues, internal training courses and plenty of opportunities for internal career development.”

Nevertheless, she has not lost her passion for travel and the hotel business. Jozefien: “I would love to have my own boutique hotel one day and offer my guests a unique experience. That would be awesome!”

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