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Former Tio student has her own event agency: “From business convention to festival”

Alumna Femmy ten Bruggenkate studied Hotel and Hospitality Management at Tio in Utrecht more than twelve years ago. Six years later, she founded her own company: Style2Events. “I organise festivals, but also business trips. It is very diverse!”

“I chose Tio because I was not entirely sure yet what I wanted to do. Tio’s bachelor programmes were quite comprehensive, so I would have plenty of opportunities in the sector. I really liked that.” The internships in particular helped the entrepreneurial Femmy realise what she really wanted to do: organise events.

What do you do, exactly?

“I organise all kinds of events for businesses. I started doing that seven years ago, after first acquiring experience by working at two other companies. I organised conventions, tradeshows and other events for businesses, but they still had to do a lot of the work themselves. I thought to myself that there had to be a better way. That is why I founded Style2Events, which offers a full range of services for events.”

What do you love most about your job?

“It is very diverse! One moment, you are organising a business convention, while you are surrounded by festive people during a company party the next. Recently, I organised a large festival that included everything from food trucks and a main stage to an après-ski hut, a Ferris wheel and more! I also arrange business trips to e.g. Barcelona or Iceland. You have to take care of everything: communication, website management and meeting your guests’ needs.”

What part of your education was most useful to you?

The internships, definitely! I did my second internship in the catering sector on Curacao. If I am honest, I chose that one for fun. I worked at a great restaurant in a fortress. I thought it would be a fantastic location for a large party. Together with the restaurant, I organised a party for all the interns on the island. After all, it is packed with students who are there to enjoy an internship that is sometimes more like a holiday. I discovered how much I enjoyed organising something like that. I did my third and final internship at a fashion show organisation in Antwerp. It introduced me to the many facets of organising events. It was hard work, but I loved every minute of it!”

Follow Femmy on LinkedIn.

Read more about: alumni, career, event management, events