It is possible that your previous education makes you eligible for one or more exemptions. We differentiate between new students and those who have already completed one of Tio’s vocational education study programmes.
Exemptions for new students
Exemption requests for new students
If you believe you are eligible for an exemption for one or more courses in the curriculum, you can request exemption(s) by sending an e-mail to with a copy of the diploma, copy of the list of marks and any certificates obtained. You must submit any exemption request for an exam component and study unit to the exam committee within four weeks of the start of a semester, together with copies of relevant diplomas, study guides, certificates and lists of marks. The exam committee will reply to your exemption request(s) within ten working days.
Note that any requests submitted after this deadline will not be processed, which means you will not receive an exemption. Exemptions can be awarded based on your previous education, for which the Dutch qualifications are leading.Even if you meet a course’s exemption requirements, you are still allowed to take the course in question if you want. Should you also decide to take the course’s exam, your exemption will lapse and the result of your exam will count towards your grade. It is not possible to request an exemption if you have already taken a course’s exam. If you have purchased study materials for a course you later receive an exemption for, you will not be eligible for a refund.
If you have any further questions about requesting exemptions, you can contact your (assistant) campus manager and/or request a meeting with one of the study coaches.
Exemptions for Tio’s vocational education students (transfers)
Exemptions for transfers
If you are transferring from one of Tio’s vocational education study programmes, you may be eligible for regular transfer exemptions. These exemptions will be requested by your study coach based on your grades. If you finished a study unit with a grade lower than 5.5, you will not receive an exemption. Study coaches can only award transfer exemptions once at the start of an academic year.
Exemptions can be awarded based on your previous education, for which the Dutch qualifications are leading. The overviews are therefore communicated in Dutch.